Zhi Wang

I'm an Associate Professor at Nanjing University in Nanjing, China. I received the Ph.D. degree from City University of Hong Kong and the bachelor's degree from Nanjing University. I was a visiting scholar at University of New South Wales and Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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I'm interested in reinfocement learning algorithms and applications. Specifically, I work on how learning algorithms can scale RL agents to i) dynamic environments, ii) offline settings, and iii) multi-agent systems, allowing them to autonomously adapt to i) non-stationary task distributions, ii) non-interactive scenarios, and iii) cooperative or competitive task assignments, facilitating RL's deployment in real-world domains.

Recently, I work on leveraging foundation models in decision-making problems, exploring ideas of language agents, in-context RL, and embodied intelligence.

Generalization in RL

Meta-DT: Offline Meta-RL as Conditional Sequence Modeling with World Model Disentanglement
Zhi Wang, Li Zhang, Wenhao Wu, Yuanheng Zhu, Dongbin Zhao, Chunlin Chen
NeurIPS, 2024
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We leverage the sequential modeling ability of the transformer architecture and robust task representation learning via world model disentanglement to achieve efficient generalization in offline meta-RL.

Lifelong Incremental Reinforcement Learning with Online Bayesian Inference
Zhi Wang, Chunlin Chen, Daoyi Dong
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022
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We develop a lifelong RL agent that can incrementally adapt its behaviors to dynamic environments, via maintaining an ever-expanding policy library with online Bayesian inference.

Multi-Agent RL

Attention-Guided Contrastive Role Representations for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Zican Hu, Zongzhang Zhang, Huaxiong Li, Chunlin Chen, Hongyu Ding, Zhi Wang*
ICLR, 2024
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Our main insight is to learn a compact role representation that can capture complex behavior patterns of agents, and use that role representation to promote behavior heterogeneity, knowledge transfer, and skillful coordination across agents.

MIXRTs: Toward Interpretable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Via Mixing Recurrent Soft Decision Trees
Zichuan Liu, Yuanyang Zhu, Zhi Wang*, Yang Gao, Chunlin Chen
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2025
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We propose a novel architecture based on differentiable soft decision trees to tackle the tension between model interpretability and learning performance in MARL domains, paving the way for interpretable and high-performing MARL systems.

RL Applications and Others

Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimal Sensor Placement for Spatiotemporal Modeling
Zhi Wang, Han-Xiong Li, Chunlin Chen
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020

For the first time, we introduce an RL-based method to tackle the optimal sensor placement problem for modeling distributed parameter systems.

Better Fine-Tuning via Instance Weighting for Text Classification
Zhi Wang, Wei Bi, Yan Wang, Xiaojiang Liu
AAAI, 2019
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we propose an Instance Weighting based Fine-tuning (IW-Fit) method, which revises the fine-tuning stage to improve the classification accuracy on the target domain when a pre-trained model from the source domain is given.



<Deep Reinforcement Learning>, for postgraduates
<Digital Circuits>, for undergraduates

Academic Service

Associate Editor, Special Sessions, IEEE SMC 2023/2022/2021, IEEE ICNSC 2020